Text, Prose & RocknRoll

Fireside Chat - FEEDBCK: Most Offensive Songs

Episode Summary

Another Fireside Chat conversation, discussing past and present offensive songs.

Episode Notes

Kris & Producer Char chat again with the Fireside Chat gang, this time talking about songs both past and present that we may love, but are offensive or run very fine lines of what is acceptable today.

This Episode was recorded and brought to you in part by the new Fireside Chat app... To hear this full, unedited conversation, check out all of Kris' past FC conversations HERE


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About the Podcast: 

‘TEXT PROSE AND ROCK N ROLL’- is the only podcast dedicated to the written account of musicians. From artist memoirs to band bios, and anything in between. You'll hear first accounts from those who lived the lifestyle; a Book Club that rocks - literally. 

It is Created, Hosted & Executive Produced by Kris Kosach

It is Produced & Edited by Charlene Goto of Go-To Productions

For more on the show, visit the website

Or follow us on Instagram  @Textproserocknroll

Follow Kris on Social Media: @KrisKosach

Follow Producer Char on Social Media: @ProducerChar